Free sheep sound effects

Here are all the sounds that have been tagged with sheep.

North Wales at dawn, birdsong and country lane ambience with a slight breeze. Birdsong includes blackcap, garden warblers with sheep dogs and sheep in the distance


North Wales at dawn, birdsong and country lane ambience, birdsong includes wrens, robins, longtailed tits, song thrush, gold crest and great tit with distant sheep


North Wales evening, birdsong and edge of wooded area and fields ambience, birdsong includes blackbirds and siskins with sheep in distance, aircraft far away and faint


North Wales in the afternoon, birdsong and ambience of river close by, birds including chiff chaffs and a few sheep in the distance


North Wales in the afternoon, birdsong and ambience of sheep in nearby fields, birds include garden warblert, willow warbler and distant rooks


Two goats fighting and locking their horns. On a grass surface.

Two goats fighting. On a grass surface.

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